Monday, January 18, 2010

Simple Gifts

One of the joys of TiVo is one can record a television program and watch it later (in bits and pieces). I’ve been watching, Live from Lincoln Center New York Philharmonic New Year’s Eve: Hampson, Gershwin, Copland & Broadway.

The show opened with Copland’s Appalachian Spring. Watching it in bits and pieces means I get the song in sections. I can’t get the song, also known as a Shaker song, Simple Gifts, out of my head.

I see myself as a giver. There are two kinds of people—givers and takers. As a giver, I have to be careful that I don’t have expectations of other people. I liken it to unconditional love. Both one has to work on it every day.

In 2009, I spent time reconnecting with old and making new friends. I was also reaching out and helping people. It feels good to help others, especially when they acknowledge it. That’s the giver in me.

Recently, my cousin started a blog posting one photo each day. I love seeing what’s going on in her life through the eye of a lens--365 days of the year.

I’ve been thinking. Perhaps I could devote myself to giving to someone else once a week. There’s only 52 weeks in a year. I have to consciously think about who that someone will be. Before, my giving was random and sometimes out of control.

Recently I have been stressed. I’m not just saying that, it has manifested itself in health issues. While I give to others, I will also work on taking care of myself. It’s amazing how great I feel when I stop and take a deep breath or two.

Photo of sandhill cranes flying in at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, taken on January 3, 2010.


zog said...

More on "Simple Gifts":

It was also adapted for use in the Dances Of Universal Peace.

(zog is Jeff's caveman name)

zog said...

More on "Simple Gifts":

It was also adapted for use in the Dances Of Universal Peace.

(zog is Jeff's caveman name)